FAUMUN Delegation Speech Training Weekend

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© Anabel Kummer

Effective communication is not only a skill but a gateway to success in any endeavor. Understanding the power of words and how they are delivered FAUMUN organized a speech training weekend to equip our delegation with the essential tools for effective public speaking and persuasive communication abilities.

Saturday, Nov 04

Our journey commenced on Saturday – a day dedicated to establishing the central elements of how to proficiently speak in public. The first order of the day began with getting to know the team who would guide us through the day, especially speech trainer Benjamin – himself a former FAUMUN delegate.

The day unfolded with discussions on identifying great speakers and delving deeper into the core components of effective speaking. Concepts like timber, volume, speed, emotions, gestures or taking breaks at the right time were explored and participants practiced these elements extensively by doing partner exercises directed at focusing on one specific aspect of speaking while acting out scenarios that required conveying emotions and ideas affectively from debating the shape of the earth to admitting you are a vampire or announcing a fictitious pregnancy.

A memorable moment filled with lots of laughter included participating in tongue twisters while having corks between our teeth to enhance pronunciation and articulation, adding both clarity and amusement to the training day.

Additionally, voice warm-up exercises were introduced to maintain enthusiasm and energy throughout the day, acting as both fun and functional tools. Furthermore, the delegates learned the art of annotating speeches with elements enabling them to identify key moments for strategic pauses and voice modulations so that our speeches can have maximum impact on our audience.

Afterwards, groups were formed, and participants prepared given speeches while also focusing in conveying specific emotions, adding an extra layer of complexity into our practice. As a notable part the training, we delegates were given the opportunity to prepare a part of Emma Watson’s inspirational “He for She” speech, which we would later on present to the group.

After a well-deserved lunch break, we split into practicing in smaller groups. This division allowed for a more personalized and focused approach to training while also feeling comfortable in a smaller safe space. In these groups, the delegates delivered their prepared speeches while trying to convey various emotions, gradually overcoming our nerves, and building confidence in the delivery. To foster self-improvement, the entire delegation came together to perform the “He for She” speech while being filmed, allowing each participant to critically assess their performance and acknowledge areas for growth and development.

With an accelerating and exhausting first day accomplished, we left the venue with a blend of excitement and nervous anticipation for what awaited us on Sunday. The day concluded with a heartfelt thank you to Benjamin for guiding us through our first steps into the world of public speaking.

Sunday, Nov 05

Sunday marked the second day of the FAUMUN speech training weekend, this time focusing on the intricacies of speech content.  A comprehensive introduction by our head delegates Julia and Kai emphasized the significance of crafting engaging and substantial content for speeches.

Right away, the delegates began by selecting a topic of their choice to write and present a speech on to their small groups from the day before.

After getting through the first speech of the day, we immediately went on with writing a second speech, this time on a UN topic.With a mere 20 minutes of preparation time this task not only tested our knowledge but also our abilities to present our work effectively under time constraint, which is a scenario similar to the conferences ahead.

The most challenging and exhilarating part of this day were undoubtedly the spontaneous speeches. The Delegation was tasked with speaking on the spot about topics they were not able to prepare for, fostering adaptability, confidence and quick thinking.

The day concluded with participants preparing and delivering their last speech of the day in small groups. There, the effects of the speech training were evident as the delegates presented speeches that were not only well structured but also delivered with confidence and clarity.

Throughout the weekend, remarkable progress could be observed amongst each and every delegate. Our speeches evolved from hesitant beginnings to confident deliveries with engaging content. We left the speech training weekend with a sense of accomplishment, newfound communication skills and increased self-assurance.

As a well-deserved reward for our hard work the Delegation gathered at a local pizzeria after the training to unwind and celebrate their growth as effective public speakers and individuals. The FAUMUN Speech training weekend not only equipped us with the tools to become better speakers but had also instilled a sense of confidence, capability and community that would extend beyond the realm of Model United Nations.

A wholehearted thank you goes out to Benjamin for training us in public speaking as well as our head delegates Kai and Julia and of course Anabel and Sophia for continuously supporting and helping us to grow more confident in our public speaking abilities.